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'+ ''+ '
'+ '
'; document.writeln("",outstring,"");

This little HTML snippet is a lot of fun as it allows your user to choose a
background color for a page dynamically from your site. Play around with
this one to choose colors that fit your site design!

<FORM name="changeColor">
<FONT face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif" size="2">Choose a Background
<INPUT type="button" onClick="document.bgColor='#0000FF'" name="colr"
value=" BLUE ">
<INPUT type="button" onClick="document.bgColor='#FF0000'" name="colr"
value=" RED ">
<INPUT type="button" onClick="document.bgColor='#00FF00'" name="colr"
value=" GREEN ">
<INPUT type="button" onClick="document.bgColor='#FFFFFF'" name="colr"
value=" WHITE ">
<INPUT type="button" onClick="document.bgColor='#000000'" name="colr"
value=" BLACK "></FONT>

Of course, you can alter the display by placing "image" for button and sourcing it with the src= parameter. Or you can alter the display with line breaks or tables.