Buying an acoustic guitar? Think auctions, buy new and used acoustic guitars at auction prices and save time and money.

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Acoustic Guitars

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Buying an acoustic guitar? Think
auctions, buy new and
used acoustic guitars at
auction prices and save
time and money.
Click Here to see a large selection of acoustic guitars.


Buying an acoustic
guitar? Think auctions,
buy new and used
acoustic guitars.

Alvarez, Crafter, Dean,
Epiphone, Fender,
Gibson, Harmony,
Ibanez, Johnson, Martin,
Ovation, Takamine,
Tanglewood, Taylor,
Washburn, Yamaha.

Acoustic Guitars

The guitar is the most popular instrument in the world, and is used to play every thing from country, rock, heavy metal, classical, and contemporary music.

An acoustic guitar is hollow and has a hole in its center that creates the sound. The difference between an electric guitar and an acoustic guitar is that an electric guitar needs to be plugged into an amplifier in order to hear it. An acoustic guitar can be played with or without an amplifier. Unlike electric guitars, acoustic guitars do not need any external amplification. However external amplifiers may be used to amplify the sound.

Up until electric guitars came along acoustic guitars were the only kind of guitar around. 

Acoustic guitars generally have six strings, but there twelve string models available. Acoustic guitars are manufactured out of wood. The kind of wood used to make the guitar plays a major role in the overall quality of the sound that is produced by an acoustic guitar, and as the wood ages, the tone can improve.

There are many manufacturers of acoustic guitars to choose from. Choosing a manufacturer is not as crucial as selecting a guitar. The guitar you choose should be based on the materials that were used to create the guitar and the overall sound that is produced by the guitar.

Many manufacturers are known for the affordability and quality of their acoustic guitars. Quality acoustic guitars are made of solid wood tops, backs, and sides. Lower end guitars are typically made out of layers of wood pressed together.

Below is a picture of a typical acoustic guitar.

Information about other brands of acoustic guitars include: Alvarez, Crafter, Dean,
Epiphone, Fender, Gibson, Ibanez, Martin, Ovation, Takamine, Taylor, Washburn, Yamaha.

Learn to sing. Listen to amazing transformation that can take place with the proper vocal instructions. Click Here.

Electric Guitars


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Home > Musical Instruments > Guitars

Auctions are a great way to save money on new and used acoustic guitars.
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